No More AV Carts, Damaged Tapes/DVDs & Tangled Cables

Add high quality video to your curriculum with MediaCAST's digital content management and streaming platform. Modules like digital IPTV and digital signage, can be accessed directly through the MediaCAST interface. Because the interface is browser-based, teachers and students can access curriculum materials from home, extending the learning day and reinforcing continuity in learning.   

Video clips electrify the classroom, spark conversation and captivate students. They also help teachers be more effective and efficient.  With MediaCAST teachers can create segments of a video and incorporate those segments throughout their lesson.

Click on items in the horizontal slider above to learn more about the seamlessly integrated K12 modules, or click on the thumbnail to the right to download the K12 brochure.



The Complete IP Solution for K-12 Districts

MediaCAST: The Complete IP Solution for K12 School Districts